Alexander Baumgarten (1714-1762), an influential German philosopher preceding Immanuel Kant, is remembered mainly as a founder of modern aesthetics. Yet his manual on metaphysics was one of the chief textbooks of philosophical instruction in latter 18th-Century Germany. Originally published in Latin, Kant used the Metaphysics for nearly four decades as the basis for lectures on metaphysics, anthropology and religion. Kant composed many of the preparatory sketches for the Critique of Pure Reason in the blank interleaved pages of his personal copy. Available for the first time in English, this critical translation draws from the original seven Latin editions and Georg Friedrich Meier's 18th-century German translation. Together with a historical and philosophical introduction, extensive glossaries and notes, the text is supported by translations of Kant's elucidations and notes, Eberhard's insertions in the 1783 German edition and texts from the writings of Meier and Wolff. For scholars of Kant, the German Enlightenment and the history of metaphysics, Alexander Baumgarten's Metaphysics is an essential, authoritative resource to a significant philosophical text.
Baumgarten Aesthetics Pdf Free
270 Reviews have been welcome. Although therehas been recentwork along these lines byHans Joachim Kertscher and Thomas Fox, the topic of Lessing in theGDR remains a desideratum for researchers. The last essay of interest to scholars of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century literature isbyHarro Muiller-Michaels, focusing on Herder and his contemporaries. The second part of the Festschrift will have a special appeal to those concerned with racism,minority discourse, and notions of difference and diversity as presented in twentieth-century literature and other media. The complex interplay of power and otherness informsUwe-K. Ketelsen's excellent essay 'DerWille zur Bewahrung von Differenz'. Ketelsen's study corresponds well with the following contribution on racism and media byManfred Schneider, who presents a thought-provoking analysis of the 'Entgastung' of theJews inEurope. Giinter Ahrends' sessay on ethnic difference in twentieth-centuryAmerican dramas seems somewhat out of place in thisvolume, which concludes with two innovative studies, one byMonika Schmitz-Emans and theother byHelge Bonholt and Gerhard Rupp. Schmitz-Emans discusses Friedrich Diirrenmatt's understanding of tolerance as presented inhis comprehensive lecture 'Jber Toleranz' and in his 'Essay uiber Israel', among others. Basing her analysis on the theoretical work of Emmanuel Levinas, Schmitz-Emans points out that it is the communication with theOther, the constructive dialogue which addresses the Other as 'you', that overcomes the limits of tolerance. Helge Bonholt and Gerhard Rupp present a studywithin the fieldof pedagogy, showing how the analysis of texts such as those by Turkish-German authors can help students better understand and respectmigrants inGermany. Focusing on Ozdamar and Zaimoalu, theauthors stress repeatedly that reading and analysing literature can make an important contribution to intercultural and global education and to the teaching of tolerance, respect, and acceptance. In general thevolume suggests thatLessing was among the important forerunners of a discourse of consensus, one free of coercion and predetermined answers, and always willing to search. As such, the Festschrift is a tribute toLessing as well as to Martin Bollacher. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA BARBARA FISCHER Selected Writings inAesthetics. By JOHANN GOTTFRIED HERDER. Trans. and ed. by GREGORY MOORE. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2006. x+455 PP. ?I4I95. ISBN 978-0-69I-II595-5. This translation of a generous selection ofHerder's writings on aesthetics is a wel come event. For too long,Herder has been known in the English-speaking world only in a distorted image as a propagandist of folk culture and Romantic nationa lism (an impression which may unfortunately be strengthened by the inappropriate choice of a Caspar David Friedrich picture for this book's dust jacket). That for all his sympathetic awareness of local and national traditions he also participated in the Enlightenment search for the universals of human culture has generally been overlooked, despite thegood work ofWulf Koepke, Robert E. Norton, and others. Aesthetic philosophy was one important area inwhich both cultural difference and common humanity could be explored. Herder made significant contributions to a de bate which was conducted with particular vigour inGermany. He endeavoured to take forward the psychological approach to aesthetics pioneered by Baumgarten, whose critical disciple he considered himself to be. An omnivorous reader, he developed his ideas in constant dialogue with thework of others in the field inGermany and other European countries. One reason, indeed, forhis relative neglect as an aesthetic MLR, I03. I, 2oo8 271 philosopher is thathis writings on artwere often occasional pieces, composed in re sponse to the treatises ofother critics,or as prize essays forvarious learned academies. Moreover, he liked togive his writing an impromptu air, as, for instance, in the set of four sylvae he wrote on various criticalmatters, theKritische Walder. He also wrote more about individual arts and genres than about art ingeneral. Thus his work as a whole displays an apparent lack of system. Serious students of theperiod should not be deterred: there ismuch that is suggestive and significant to be learnt, even if it liesmore in themethod than thegeneral conclusions, more in flashes of insight than settled doctrine. Gregory Moore's selection takes account ofexisting translations and sensibly avoids duplication. Thus the Fragmente fiberdie neuere deutscheLiteratur, Plastik, and the Briefwechsel uiberOssian are omitted. The essay on Shakespeare aside, all the other textsare here translated... 2ff7e9595c