This information is provided for personal, professional, and educational use only! The companies involved have released newer software, so we can read these documents on our devices without resorting to hacks. Illegally distributing Copyrighted material is illegal in most parts of the world. Depending on the locale, there could be additional penalties for cracking PDF passwords, or removing digital rights management (DRM) restrictions in connection with distribtion. We assert our basic human rights, including the right to customize material that we created, bargained for, or purchased. We expect to be able to modify our digital assets for our own uses, such as for offline presentation on other devices. We also expect to be able to gift, donate, loan, and even re-sell our dog-eared eBooks to friends as one would anything else, such as "books." That said, even asserting ones own digital rights these days could lead one into trouble. Many companies and schools have policies against using their computers for resource-intensive tasks such as cracking passwords. If there are any questions seek professional legal counsel.
According to PDF Rights Management, Adobe's questionable implementation of Digital rights management (DRM) controls and security signatures started with allowing the creation of documents with any of the following restrictions:
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So, there you have it. PDF digital rights management controls represent a well-thought-out series of controls. We can argue about whether they are complete, appropriate, or suitable. But they represent a significant stake in the ground about the controls that should be applied. In analysis, you can break PDF controls down into three groups:
In many instances, proposed PDF rights management controls have been so poorly implemented (see PDF password protection) that you have been able to drive the proverbial coach and horses through them. Indeed, many websites offer tools dedicated to the cracking of much of the Adobe implementation. Unsurprisingly, third-party vendors have started to provide implementations and controls that are less open to the attacks popularized by cracking companies such as Elcomsoft. 2ff7e9595c